PGT testing embryos

All About PGT Genetic Testing Your Embryos

Preimplantation genetic testing or PGT as it’s often referred to, is a genetic test that takes place before an IVF embryo transfer, designed to tell you if each embryo is chromosomally healthy.

A normal embryo (that is euploid) has 23 pairs of chromosomes and has a better chance at leading to a successful live-birth than an aneuploid embryo. 

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Freeze-all Embryo selection

Should I Do A Fresh Transfer or Freeze-All Embryos For A FET?

How did a Freeze-All embryo strategy become the industry norm? A suggestion originated in the early 2000s that the high hormone levels derived from a stimulated IVF cycle would encourage a non-receptive, out-of-phase endometrium. The concept arose that adopting a freeze-all embryo approach would not only minimize the risk of ovarian hyper response syndrome (OHSS) but maybe even improve pregnancy rates in the general IVF population. 

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